But we really wish you would! Potentially Awesome is a book of short and humorous stories with a loose thread tying them all together. (It's actually called a 'binding' and to be completely correct, it's probably not made out of thread, but glue for the paper-back version of the book. I don't know what Amazon uses to bind their kindle books, but I'm fairly certain it's not glue.) This book deals with the themes of re-invention, though in no great depth.
The goal of this book, first and foremost, is humor. The comical imaginings of someone trying to maintain a positive outlook on life. At a slightly deeper level, the stories are meant to have potential, but not be entirely complete. The book looks ahead optimistically to the future, better times ahead.
If you 'missed out' on the first book, Previously Awesome, you can find out more information about it at www.PreviouslyAwesome.com